„This selection of projects represents our professional experiences.“

  • Co-lead of a transformation program to centralize services and the organization structure behind it
    for the largest owner-managed agency in Europe in collaboration with an automotive group
  • Development of an innovative and unique Customer Engagement approach from scratch specifically designed for the GenZ target group
    for an international investment fund in EMEA
  • Transformation of a COVID-19 app for the provision of data for contact person tracking to a general Customer Engagement platform in the B2B2C area
    for a German start-up in the hospitality / restaurant segment
  • Complete redesign and re-positioning of the biggest and most successful European frequent flyer and award program
    for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Build-up a new Customer Loyalty and Engagement program from scratch especially designed for the target group of low-frequent users
    for a Belgium airline company as a blueprint for the enhancements in the current loyalty program used by a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Redefining and implementation of insights based (digital) Customer Interactions and modernization of the customer touch points within the entire customer journey
    for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Establishment of profitable international Financial Cooperation and Collaboration agreements
    for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with their partners in US, Canada and Asia Pacific
  • Set-up and establishment of (transactual) Business Models within the B2B, B2C, B2B2C segments
    for e.g. a successful experience agency in Germany
  • Definition and identification of recommendations of the future Onboard Experience in 2030
    for the biggest German railway company
  • Evaluation and design of the Future-Store Concept in the digital age
    for e.g. one of the biggest German health insurance company
  • Evaluation of a sustainable sales strategy in the B2B2C segment with the help of Customer and Consumer Engagement platforms
    for e.g. a German kitchen niche-producer
  • Development of a concept for the Usage of Ingredient Brands (B2B) in a competitive consumer market (B2C)
    for e.g. one of the biggest international health company
  • Concept for a new Community Design and Brand Positioning
    for e.g. one of the biggest association and community platform in Germany or one of the biggest automotive manufacturer in Germany
  • Concept for reshaping the Future Retail Experiences in big cities
    for a German investor
  • Development of an overarching digitalization approach for ground processes (transformation from served services to self-service, via automation to elimination)
    for a Swiss premium airline company as a blueprint for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Introduction of a new management of an investment portfolio based on customer KPIs in addition to regular financial KPIs
    for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Introducing the GDPR compliance and NPS, as well as measuring customer satisfaction (CSS) at every touchpoint for all marketing and data analytics departments
    for a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Elaboration and utilization of New Way of Working models for creating a culture that encourages collaboration and teamwork
    for a corporate owned start-up as a blueprint for the operating model of a premium airline group in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Please appreciate that we can only list an extract of projects.